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Aug. 4, 2022

How To Reclaim Your Time, Energy & Life w/ Kyle Depiesse

How To Reclaim Your Time, Energy & Life w/ Kyle Depiesse

Kyle Depiesse went from working a corporate job to living a life he loves, hosting bucketlist trips and spending time at home with his child! Today we discuss the tools and tactics you can use to craft the life of your dreams as well

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Kyle deputy S yes, let's go. Got it. Hey brother. Got it. They call me the king of


pronunciation. You nailed it. And I'm pumped to be here. This has been, what are we? Probably almost five months in the making. So I'm honored. Thanks for having me. Yeah, man. This should be a lot of fun,


dude. I'm very excited. Yeah, we've been we've been best friends for five months. And this is our first time meeting face to


face. Yeah. Hey buddy. It's a, I love the constant jabs on social media. I think it's been a lot of fun. You got a great sense of humor. Good wit. So anyone who's witty is usually my spirit animal. So I'm happy. We're connected here.


I wanted to begin this conversation with a topic that is near and dear to both of our hearts because you just experienced it. Mm-hmm Mm-hmm I am experiencing it. Before we get into your economic background and what you've got going on right now to earn your freedom. , let's hit a little bit about your concept of time and how it pertains to travel specifically.


It's such a great question. It's a good topic because I think a lot of us, myself included, I've got a five year old and people listening. You don't have to have a kid to understand this, but a lot of times we say to ourselves, man, time really flies by, right? Like where does the time go? How many times, if you probably said that, Just in the last couple days, I'm sure most of us could raise our hand of that. So I was sitting just a couple weeks ago. I was in Ireland. So I had planned a trip to Ireland, to golf snuck in a little bit of surfing to, and we had planned this trip for years. It was supposed to be in 20, 20, 20 20 happened. It got pushed to 2121 got pushed to 22 long story short we're really looking forward to this trip. Bucket list trip. And every day, man was just like, oh, you get to golf this great course. And then there's this great course. Tomorrow, three days from today is this great course. And you find yourself looking forward to the next day. And I just remember sitting there yes. On the first tee box with a good buddy of mine. And I said, I want to remember this. I don't wanna forget this. And it's so easy to continue to look forward. I said, how do we slow down time? And I was like, The only, you can't sew it down time, but the, there is a way to cheat it and that's just simply by being present and that's so hard to do intellectually and I think intellectually we understand. Yeah, of course just. Be where your feet are just be present, conceptually, I understand that, but you need to understand it in your heart and you need to live it out. And so when you're sitting there, I you guys are on months traveling and this is probably really hard for you. It's probably a real thing you're experiencing because you've got, you're moving probably from one location to the next. And so you're looking forward to Barcelona next. You're looking forward to this the way for you to slow down time. This is to. Be present, enjoy the moment, experience the magic of the moment and knowing that tomorrow will come, it's going to happen. And then you can live and experience tomorrow when tomorrow comes, but you've gotta stay in the moment and you've gotta stay present. And these little devices make it so hard for us to actually stay present. So how do you slow down time? You be where your feet are not my saying, but you be where your feet are and you stay present.


Do you have any specific triggers and. Actions to take when those triggers occur to keep you grounded. I guess for lack of the better turn,


I think it's just a constant snapping back into the moment. And I think it's just growing self awareness. And I think if you can grow the awareness to the fact that, Hey, my mind tends to drift my mind tends to wonder, I think that's natural for us. But this is, I think, a skill, a muscle that needs to be grown. Like your biceps over there, Brian, like you just need to constantly work it and you need to constantly stay attuned to, Hey, I'm drifting snap myself back in. How do I stay present? How do I focus on right here right now? So I think it's just growing self-awareness


and it's the same thing as meditation, essentially. So I would go ahead and make the assumption that a meditative practice would help you build this. To where if you do go travel and you do something with novelty, then that will help you be in the present more. And I know that this is equally as important, if not more important when you do have the young kids because they're, you only have young kids


once. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And you constantly, as a dad and I spend a lot of time with my son. I'm very much a stay-at-home dad I'm constantly think cause he's five and I'm constantly like, man, I can't wait till I can take him golfing or I can't wait till you know him and I go to Ireland and we golf and that's years down the road. And if I'm constantly focusing on. His next developmental stage and what we can do when he's older, I'll miss the magic of what it's like having a five year old, and we're in a couple weeks, we go on an annual dude venture, just him and I, a couple nights away. And we're going to a water park in Wisconsin Dells, and I know he's gonna ride the same water park dude, like 75 times in a row, the same slide. And I'll just be sitting there yes, and I'll have to stay present without thinking about man. I can't wait till he's older. And he goes on the bigger one, the big plunge, and I can go with him. Those days will come eventually. And I just have to remind myself to stay in the moment with him right now.


Another thing that I've noticed and you're, and by the way, you're completely spot on about the trip, because half the it's a giant mental acrobatics play, because while you're here in paradise, like it's a conversation that I'm having with my girlfriend constantly, because it's you don't wanna complain while you're here. , but you're having the same problems. So problems never go. . Problems exist in paradise problems exist when you're worth 10 million, 50 million, a hundred million dollars. When you're traveling in the Greek islands, they don't go away. They just look different. So we're sitting here in paradise, walking around the bay, like we've got this old Venetian Harbor that we're walking and we see the sunset. I can look out the window right now and I could see the sunset over the bay. And today we're sitting here. We're like, what the hell are we doing? So that's thinking backwards. You're like, okay, where's our routine. Where is our normalcy? Where is our patterns that made us successful? And you're also thinking forward, you're saying, okay, where are we staying here? Where are we going here? What are we doing here? Who are we meeting there? What should we do here? And so it is very difficult. To be able to stay present, I will offer another observation that I've had on time while I'm traveling. And that is that novelty slows time. So novelty is a really good example of a way that you can make time last longer, because I have been here three weeks and some change about three weeks. And it has felt like three months because it's all new and there was even a study done that says that excitement and novelty is the key to having that feeling remain that showed like wonder, right? And that's good. Here's another thing that I equally wanna hit on. Is your transition coming back home? Talk about that.


Oh, I, this, I was just gonna say what you had said if I can piggyback off it, which transitions perfectly to what you had just said is routine. And so how do you find grounding? In a season like you guys are in or a shorter one, when there's so much newness coming at you, there's so much disruption to your pattern and your lifestyle. And I struggle with this man. So I've got this on a habits journal. Yes. And if I can focus on, okay, what are the habits that I need to do to help me achieve what it is that I wanna achieve? And if I can just focus on winning the day and if I can just focus on crossing off, the things that I want to cross off that eventually lead me to success. However, everyone defines that. That's what you gotta focus on. And so if you allow your routines and your habits to slip. Whether it's on vacation, whether it's on extended vacation, whether it's a season of life, it is so hard to get momentum to restart. And so to answer your question before and answer this existing question to me, it's all about your habits and your routines and staying consistent, no matter what your schedule looks like to you, and no matter how much that changes,


Cal, what do you do? When you have periods of rest. So this is something that I'm going through right now. And for everyone listening, like we purposely wanted to start this, Kyle and I have been talking off mic for a bit, and this has been something that's come up for both of us. So that's why we're broadcasting this to you guys liven in color, because this is something that you can apply no matter what stage of the wealth building journey you're in. And Kyle and I will get into the economics here shortly. There's a new saying. So we've got a mutual friend. You're friends with Rob OID, right? Yep. Yeah. So Rob introduced me to this quote and now I'm experiencing it as I'm in Europe and it's, Doche fare the sweetness of doing nothing. I have a massive overwhelming guilt whenever I have free time and I'm not working. . Do you have the same experience and how do you combat that?


I used to and what's funny, literally right before we sat down to record, my wife just walked away and I was like, Hey, how's your morning going? She's like, why don't, I'm not, I don't feel that busy. And I look at other people's calendars and they're busier than me. And I was like, We have and she, what she just said is basically how we view this in north America. We view busyness with productivity. And so if you can separate those two, because it isn't necessarily true. If you build systems in your life and in your business and you build levers in your life and in your business and in your wealth building journey Busyness doesn't necessarily equal productivity. And so for me, this has been a giant experiment in my life because I had a huge blessing in 2017 to become promoted to a stay at home dad. And so I left my career. I left corporate America. I left everything and my one job. Was to take care of this little three month old. And it gave me the ability to start separating those two things busyness and doing a bunch of stuff with being productive and being successful and all that stuff. So I've been practicing this for a little bit over five years. And so it's taken me a while and I still sometimes will struggle with it. But given my schedule it's something that I forced upon myself. So I've gotten better with. What were


some actionable stuff that, or tactics that you used to be able to overcome this? Because it's something that I'm struggling with right now, especially as the visionary entrepreneur. That's a newbie, coming into their role because like myself included, I'm coming out of a corporate mindset. In a worker B mindset where you work between X hour and X hour. And, productivity is what is, Rewarded is hours worth. Yeah. And so it's difficult to do the creative work that's needed to come up with the vision of your company where you're taking it, where, who you're speaking to. Yep. What kind of bumpers did you put in place?


So you're right in corporate America, it's build more widgets, get paid more. And so you have to try to you. So here's what I did. I think journaling is probably one of the most important things. So you can tackle questions okay, why do I feel this way? Why do I get anxious? If I don't go from this meeting to this meeting this, like, why am I getting anxious? Why do I feel this way? And if you can put yourself on a self discovery, a journey and exploration under why we framed these things in our heads, I think that's most important. So number one, I would say journal, and I would say journal as much as you possibly can. I would journal in the morning and I would journal in the evening before you go to bed, it's Our mutual friend, like you just said, Rob atory talks about it's not his process. It's somewhat someone else it's called the morning pages. And so in the morning when you wake up, you just take a whole bunch of blank pieces of paper, like the big pieces of paper, and you just start to write and you write and you write, and you do that for about 30 to 45 minutes. And eventually what comes outta you is oh my gosh, do I really think that? Do I like, is that really up there? Brain of mine. That's crazy. I could never speak that, but I'm gonna write it. And you keep writing until you got those pages filled up and then you just literally get rid of that piece of paper. You don't let anyone look at that thing. So burn it if you want, throw it away if you want. But I think journaling specifically the morning pages is a really good tool to use. I'm also a person of faith. And so I look to the Bible, I pray. I think people can also meditate. Anything you possibly can to try and slow down the mental you used the word be before mental gymnastics, gut that's going on in your brain. Anything that you can do to slow that down. Journaling prayer, reading meditation, whatever. It might be. Some people I used to do a lot of swimming. I don't swim quite as much anymore, but when you're swimming, there's nothing else that you can really do, except for just think and explore why you think the way you do. But I think if you could put yourself on some sort of journey itself, discovery, that's the most important thing, any sort of tool that would help you on that is beneficial.


Kyle, I'm listening to this right now and I'm listening to you. Must be nice for you, to be financially independent, to have this material wealth. And now you can be able to take your foot off the gas, but that doesn't apply to me because I'm in the middle of building a business. I'm in the middle of doing things. I have to be a hundred miles an hour, or I'm not gonna get what I want in this world. Does this still apply to me? Listening to this show that thinks that I have to work the 20 hour days to get this thing off the ground, or is what you're suggesting a better and more tried and true method of overall fulfillment in an actual accelerant to what I'm trying to get to


that is a. That is such a good question. And we could talk about this for a long time. I'll approach it this way. I'm in so I'm 42. And so it depends on who's asking that question. I am a believer in seasons of life. So I went through a big season of hustle and grind, and eventually, do you know where that led. It led to being completely burned out, to being completely empty inside, being lost being unhealthy both physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So if you're listening and you're in a different season of life than be again, I'm married got a five year old. I've got a business. We've got some financial security and independence. This may not be the same for you, but there are still some systems and tools that you can use and put in place. If you're in that building phase, you can still find a little bit of balance. So you don't burn yourself out. I wish someone would've told me. So if you're listening and you're younger than me and you're saying must be nice heed the advice and the wisdom of someone who's been there, done that been burned out and is trying to explain to you, there's a way to do it. That was better than I did it. So to answer your question short, I believe in seasons, I believe there is a building season. There is a harvesting season and I'm in, in the middle of those two. And that's why my perspective might be different than someone else's.


So that's the overall point of the show and of the podcast and that's the itch that we try to scratch, is to be able to take the advice like this and then apply it as well as the financial tools. So that people that are, cuz for people that are listening that are new I'm 27 and I'm very much so in that building stage where I'm trying to. I've got my plane off of the runway of financial momentum. And now I'm coasting through the skies. I'm going through some clouds again trying to figure out what is next for my business. And that is the advice that I've gotten over and over again, is that it all circles back to this quote that I heard from Alex hormo, which is people spend. Their twenties and thirties, trying to become a millionaire by their forties, DEC, a millionaire, whatever have you by your forties. And then that 40 year old that's the DEC a millionaire would give everything that they've got to be 20 years old again. So why am I traveling right now? Does it improve my productivity? Does it decrease it? I'm not sure. What I do know is this, and it's a fun thought experiment that I'm doing with my girl. Because right now, obviously we're not spending like I'm going from a person that was spending 16 hours a day working to working like technically like three jobs outta my W2, along with this income. Yeah. To now a lot of free time. And now there's two things that are gonna come from it. There's only two outcomes. Outcome a is that we spend a little bit too much money. The experience is such a peak state peak environment that at the end of this, we come up with the best business ideas in this beautiful peak state that generates revenue beyond our wildest imagines. And it helps us break through that plateau to get to the next level. Yeah, that's what I think step that's what I think was most likely to happen or option B, we blow through our money and then have to go. And then just save the money again and just do what we were doing before. Yeah. Yeah. So I think it's just a game of iteration,


isn't it? It's I think life is an experience in what, what may have worked for me may not work for someone else. What they're doing may not work for someone else, but what you're doing may work for someone else. We don't know what we don't know. And I love how you're open to experiencing the fullness of life. And you're trying and you're experimenting and you've got a belief that, okay, there's a couple things that could happen. This amazing thing could happen. And we don't spend enough time in our creative brain, in a creative environment for new ideas to flourish and come out. So I love that you guys are doing that. And then you say, okay what's the worst that could happen. The worst that could happen is you would just go back to doing what you did, you know how to do it. And a couple years from now, you could do the same thing again, because you've proven the ability to do it, you know how to do it. And so the worst that could happen, which is funny because the worst that could happen is probably what most people are currently living as their experience. They just don't realize that. And yes, that to me is fascinating. So I love that you guys are trying, I think more people should try to experiment and experience different things in life because we don't know, we don't know. And there could be some amazing creativities creativity or insights or ideas on the back end of just completely putting ourself out there. And I think that's what we undervalue right now.


Yeah. I agree with that. And that's the whole notion behind any of this. So for people listening once. Take what I'm doing and apply it to your life and your framework because world travel is not for everyone, especially long term, like we're doing but take whatever that thing is for you. That freedom thing, starting that new business, maybe exiting that job that makes you work a hundred hours, that you can go be a violent instructor because that's your passion. , starting your own candle making company or moving to Colorado. So whatever fires you up, here's what it all comes back to. Is we all come back to that same quote that you just said is what's the worst case scenario that happens is you just go get another. So if you're listening to this and you're working that job and you're driving to that job or from that job, or you're on lunch break from that job, your worst case scenario is your present day reality.

, kyle:

yeah. Yeah. I think most people don't realize it and we're sitting in fear. We're stuck in fear because we don't know what's gonna happen. But you've proven that you can do what you're currently doing. So you could likely just do the same thing. And so you might as well take the.


Exactly and it's terrifying. And that's why we're having this conversation. It's like this isn't a conversation that I could have with just anyone. And it's I view you as a friend for some reason. So this is a cool little candid talk that we can have. Yeah. And have it benefit all of these people live and in color. Yep. So let's use that as let's use that as a slight pivot. Let's walk through your journey. From what you were doing, to who you are now. So let's go ahead and introduce you to what you actually do. And then let's walk it backwards. A. Sure.


Yes. I created a business which is of like a lifestyle brand and it's gone through a few different versions and we've landed on guy's trip. I take small groups of high performing men. I take them out of their environment and out of their day to day, and I put them into a bucket list type of an environment. Because I believe in the power of mastermind. It's not a new concept. A lot of people, I'm sure your listeners are familiar with it, but I believe in learning by experiencing. So if I can take guys in this instance and put them into an environment where they have to pit a NASCAR. They get to learn by experiencing what it's like to do, teamwork, what it's like to fail and fail quickly and learn from it. So what I could do is go up on stage and talk about teamwork. I could talk about all that stuff. I would rather them experience it and then we break it down together. So that's something that's come up through my story, which we'll get into I'm sure shortly I've got a podcast as well wrote a book and that. That's it, man. I'm married, been married for almost 10 years. Got a five year old son, Cal who's. You'll see on all my Instagram stories, cause that's what I focus in on. And we're just living life, man. We live in the upper Northwest. We got a lake house in Northern Minnesota and then we just built a house in grand forks, North Dakota to be really close to my wife's family. So my son, who's an only child. He's got about 12 cousins here that are his best friends. So it's a great environment for him. I love


that. And. There's so I, I don't have kids yet. And I remember as I was going on my wealth building journey in the very beginning, I was very myopically focused on net worth and money and that's my thing. That was it. And I was making a lot of money. It was good money and I was killing in my W2. And then I started getting some side income and then all of a sudden, everything is rocking and rolling and. What happened was I got up to 20, 20 coming in a month. And then I started touching around that 40 or 50. And all I could think about was how do I get to a hundred and I had a mentor that told me, and GoBundance he said, if you don't change how you're viewing this game and how you continuously keep moving the goal post. He's like the reason that you're doing this, the reason that you tell me is because when you have kids, you wanna be a very present father. . Then at this rate, you are going to have kids in the future and you're not gonna be playing ball with them. Cuz all you're gonna be thinking about is how do I make a million a month and that was when I shifted my focus.


The carrot always moves for anyone. Who's a high performer driven. When you make X, you need to make, X plus Y now. And then when you make that you always add it on. And I was the same way. And then we had our son and that became the focus and I live life very differently now, which, we could chat about as well at some point, but I know exactly how much our household needs to bring in. Per month per year, whatever it might be in order for us to live the life that we call a dream life, anything above and beyond that I need to analyze, okay, how much extra time is this gonna take? Because that time has to come from somewhere. And so it's likely gonna come from my son or my wife or whatever it might be. And so is that a trade off that I'm willing to make? Yes or no. And then we evaluate decisions from. Holy shit, Kyle. That's


awesome. I've never heard it broken down like that.


Yeah. It's a fun experiment and I'm happy to share it if you want me to, or we can wait for it or whatever it might be. But I learned this from a mentor too. Let's hit on that.


So let's hit on crafting your dream life and finding out about what your metrics are to that financially what it looks like. And then let's talk a little bit more about that concept because that is game changing.


What you just said. So tag out a piece of paper. If you're listening now or pause it, do it later, whatever it might be. And then you should write down and this is so I'm a little bit nerdy. Okay. So I'm a finance major. I taught personal finance. When I taught in high school. I love numbers. And so I know what our budget is per month. So if you don't know, this would be a good time to maybe take a look at what your budget is per month, write down all your expenses. Okay. Let's say that you come up to, I'm just gonna throw a number out there 10,000 per month. Those are your expenses now to the right of it. I want you to add. All the things that you would like to do in order for you to say man, this is, I am living my dream life. And let's say that number comes up to 20,000 per month. Okay. So your gap is 10,000. So you wanna work your way towards, how do I get up to the dream life number? That is 20,000 times 12 is $240,000 you need to make per year. How do you get to $240,000? Per year. And if you want to go above that's cool recognizing that time is gonna have to probably come from somewhere, unless you built amazing systems and you're investing in things that are giving you cash flow, which is a whole nother story, which you and I probably both love that conversation. Absolutely. But the whole point is. You should know exactly how much it costs for you to live your dream life. And you should shoot for that number. So when you just said, okay, I made 20,000 per month and I was making 40 then 50 and okay, now what do I gotta do to make a hundred? I don't play that game. I know exactly how much we need to make and that's it. That's all I do. And we can do more if we want to. And that's a decision with my wife and I, but I know exactly what it takes in order for make, in order for us to make what we need to make. And that's it, man, that, that dream life has built in the few homes that we own going on vacation for a month, a year, everything that we could possibly want. And it's hard for me to say Hey Brian, here's mine. Your dream life looks different than mine. Every listener's dream life looks different than ours. And so you need to build your own and stop chasing these numbers because it sounds cool. Chase your number, not someone else's number.


I love that, man. And it's very, it's really. Odd because everyone has this arbitrary number that they throw out. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone's like, ah, 10,000. Oh yeah. I want, 15,000 a month and I can, invest in real estate full time. And that's my financial freedom number. Yep. And it's just it's an interesting experiment because. If I ask people like 99% would not be able to say, Hey, here's exactly the type of house I'd like, here's exactly like what car I wanna drive. Yep. And on this show we're not gonna, we're not one of those finance shows that's saying, Hey, you have to drive a 2007 Hyundai. When you're bawling. I don't believe in that. I think if you want a freaking Audi convertible and that fills your cup, then get the Audi convertible, but bake that into your number and


don't go past it. Yeah. It's values based spending. I'm a believer in that too. I may not value cars. You may value cars else listening. Like it doesn't matter travel, you value travel, and that's great. And you know what you value and that's baked into how you live your life. And that's all we're saying here is what's important to you. How do we get there? Chase your number, not an arbitrary number.


I love that. So let's talk a little bit about how you got these systems in place to be able to even economically make this jump to be a stay at home dad, because that's not as common either. Normally it's a stay at home mom and the dad stays and bring some of the bacon. So what were you doing before and how did you pivot out of that? Because a lot of people are probably in that. Yeah, it was corporate


America for 13 years. And so I was, I started in Wisconsin, travel wholesale, moved to Minneapolis, worked for target headquarters. And then I did a couple other corporate jobs working my way up the corporate ladder until I realized man, this ladder that I've been climbing sucks. This is not the ladder I want to be on because I get to the top, leadership in corporate America. And it's not what I thought. And maybe the listeners thinking like there's this bill of goods we've been sold, but to your point, you are constant and you're in corporate America, you're playing the game. And if you're not playing the game you're gonna stick out growing and then you're not gonna be moving. You're not promoted and all, it's just I'm, I want to exit this game. I don't like this game. And I did that in 2015. and I asked myself what do I love? What do I think I'm good at? So I play a little connect, the dots, every position I've had in corporate America, I have gravitated towards helping others uncover the process of learning. So it's okay, cool teacher. I swung a pendulum so far the other way. I became a high school business teacher. So I left corporate America. I took about a hundred thousand dollars pay cut at least to do that and became a teacher. Loved it, man. I love. Teaching. And then, like I said, we had our son 2017. My wife did her maternity leave which put us into June, which put me to, at the end of the school year, I said I'll take over. I'll promo, I'll get promoted. And we said, if there's another job that would came available, We would take it. No job became available that I wanted. So I got a blank slate man. And we had done a really good job with saving up money in corporate America paying down debt at the same time. And so we have this gift. And so when someone says it's must be nice. Dude, you didn't see us when we have been saying no to all these different things in order for us to build a foundation in order to have financial freedom, you didn't see us, then you're seeing us now. And so when you say must be nice I wish people could have seen the earlier years of this wealth building stage, but we did that and I said, alright got a blank slate. What do I want to do? What I wanna see in the world? What can I cause and create. And I just had this idea to create these experiences for people. And the first one that I did, I never intended it for it to be men, just men only. But the first trip I did only men showed up was like that's of weird. I didn't market it that way, but it was really obvious to me that men don't have a space for this stuff. No men don't have the ability to, just to let's do something amazing and fun. and it's okay to be vulnerable. Like it for men that's really hard. Like we think vulnerability for some reason is is a weakness. I don't think it is. I think it's pure strength. And if I can create this for guys and just keep doing it, we just did our ninth one last week. And so we got number 10, coming up, full racing experience at full racing immersion. If I can just keep doing this, I think it's having an impact. And it has man I've heard from girlfriends, fiances the wives, not all the same, but different ones. I've heard from them, from their guys that go and they're like, Hey, thank you for doing this. And so came back and he's just a different guy. And so it's been really encouraging. It's the brands just evolved. So that's the evolution of the last couple years it's happened. It's been bumpy. It's been fun. It's been exhilarating as an entrepreneur. It's all over the board. But I'm really enjoying it.


That's awesome, man. And I've been watching it and it's super cool. And I'll definitely be hopping on one of these guys' trips. When I get back into the states here, because I can't keep saying no to you, man. I can't keep saying no, but yeah, I'm curious. So I'm curious as someone, I've got a podcast that I've started and , I'm building a business around it. I'm curious how you viewed the revenue model as you were starting because you're sitting here and you're like, okay, I enjoy doing. I have a number that I need to hit every single month. How do I combine safety and security with what I love? How do I get out into the void here, especially with a young child and create this thing. . So I'm curious about the process there, especially coming from a corporate mindset


in one word patience it's like corporate America's like ready. Aim fire. This is like ready, fire aim. It's, it is a whole different mindset. And again, we had done a good job of building a foundation financially that allowed us to do this. So if you're listening, you're like, man, I hate my job. I'm gonna, I'm gonna quit tomorrow and start this new thing. Let's build a little bit of a ramp before you do that, let's be wise. Yes. About having a plan. Like you might hear this and you might be saying, all right, Kyle and Brian, you just fired me up to, to quit and do this thing. Let's, you're hearing bits and pieces of the last five years of life. And so you have to recognize like it's a journey and you have to be patient, but in the beginning, I think this is important to. In the beginning, these events weren't as profitable as I wanted them to be. And I know what number I need to hit. So I also did some things that would help us hit that number. So I did coaching only fans. Yeah. I . You can. If you hear the voice, like I put the microphone on and do the whole thing only fans, he's the one that goes, oh yeah. That's me. So there's gotta be ways that if you're listening, you're like, okay, what are some things that I can do right now to generate some revenue? And you can piece this thing together slowly as you go. And as we started, we're in the middle of 20, 22 as we started 20, 22, I let go of all those other revenues streams. And I said, I'm going all in on these trips because now I've got it to a point where it's profitable. I can run them. I don't spend a dollar in advertising. It's all word of mouth referral, and I've got enough demand to keep doing these where I'm just gonna go all in with it. So I think people have to understand that there's a transition. There's a process. It takes time be patient, but in the meantime, what can you do to supplement that?


All right. So everybody that's listening that wants a free 30 page guide go to W2 to world because this man we go saying what I'm talking about in the book. There we go. I love that. Say what I'm talking about in the book, man. I would recommend if you aren't a W2. Go be the best person that you can be at that W2. To realize that it's not the answer, but I would say that what I have realized that I did not wanna be in my position if I had not made it to the top of my position and then realize that mountain top was the wrong mountain. That's a juicy question. So I always tell people, you said at the very beginning of this podcast, you said be where your feet are. So if you're in a w two, I would say. That it would be more beneficial to you to be the freaking best at whatever you're doing right now and be so good at it that you can carve out blocks of your time and be able to do your job to the peak of its potential in 30%, 40%, 50% less time and then spend that other block of time slowly building that thing that you want to work. Build that financial foundation, get your rentals, your real estate, your stocks, and then you're coming from a place where you're not having to start a business out of a place of scarcity. Yes. To where you're burning the ships. Yeah. So that's


what you would echo. Yes. You, I love that the starting points personal excellence, because I think it's, I don't remember if we said it, maybe Annie Brazil, like personal excellence is the ultimate form of rebellion. I love that man, be so good at your job that you become efficient. Now you've got some extra time. You can use that extra time to start working on whatever it is that you wanna work on. And then start building your plan. But we shouldn't forget, like some people, my wife is one of them. She loves her job. She loves her W2. She's awesome. Never. She will never be out of a W2. And that is amazing. That is that's great. Everyone's got a different journey. Sometimes we as nonw two S we like to bash the w two S but we have to be reminded like some people just love it and that's fine. That's great. So I love it. Now. Start with personal excellence. That's the best way to. And I love


that you say that because the w twos are the right move for 90% of people. Yeah. Yeah. It's playing up straight up. The w twos are 90% of the people, here's my caveat to that, cuz this is a conversation I was having with one of my mentors as well. And I agree with that statement, but here's the caveat, right? I would say that who we're speaking to and who's listening to this podcast, isn't that. That's probably




Yep. That's probably true. So we're speaking to that 10%, that 5%, that 1% that this applies to, because here's my assumption. If you're a person right now, you're listening to this and you've made it to the end of colonized, rambling and rants about personal freedom and fatherhood and getting out of the corporate ladder and climbing the wrong mountain. I would assume that you aren't in love with your. Mm, Because if you were in love with your job, you would be like, I was before and I was listening to a podcast about sales skills. Because that's where I got my, that's how I became good. Was I sat in a car every single day for two to three hours a day, listening to podcasts about B2B sales. All day that turn. Yeah. That just happened to turn into bigger pockets. Yeah. And then that made a shift. So hopefully I wanna be that podcast for somebody else. That's listening to that show. And then they're like whoa. What are y'all talking about? I like this and yeah. To your point how you do one thing, how you do everything. Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Yep. I love that, man. So what, where do you see this going and what's next for you? What are you building?


I don't know. And I don't know I love it. There's a sort I do have an idea, but I think what's guided me the last several years on building this brand is I'm just focused on. It's a balancing act. I'm focusing on doing the next thing for this brand. That's the best next thing. All the while, like I've got a vision, right? I can, because currently this brand is not a scalable brand. The model is not scalable. It's me facilitating and leading to trips. Number one. I'm okay with that right now. Cuz I am meeting every one of these trips. You've got eight to 12 guys that are just incredible, amazing world class humans. And so every trip I get to meet eight to 12 amazing humans and those amazing humans are also building businesses. They're syndicators, they're operators. And so I have amazing guys that are coming into my network, so that's cool. but I could scale the brand and I've had several alumni say to me, Kyle, if you can architect and design and fill a trip, I'll lead it for you and we'll revenue share. So there, there is a way for me to scale the brand. So I will start to probably dabble in what it would look like. To have maybe a certified someone else lead a trip for me. And so that will likely happen in 2023. So that's where the brand is heading. I've already got my 20, 23 locations picked out the activities already done. And we're almost a third filled up for 2023, which blows my mind. So that's what we're gonna do. I wrote a book last year. Call guys trip. I just share stories from that trip. I'll probably write another one in the next year or so guys trip version two, and I'll just continue to sell, sorry, not sell, tell amazing stories of transformation. And so that's where it's going. I'm still gonna podcast. And I've got a kid that I'm homeschooling in the fall. And so you're looking at a teacher, husband, father, entrepreneur, all those things. But I love wearing all the hats. And so I'm excited to see where that goes, but yeah, that's what's coming up.


Perfect. So who is the perfect candidate for a guy's trip and talk to that person right now? Why should they go on a guy's trip with you as opposed to just going on a guy's.


I created it because when I was making the transition or the evolution of myself going from a corporate America guy, who's just trying to get promoted to a guy who is trying to build businesses, increase my net worth through all. I wanted to grow as a human being. I found it really hard to find like-minded guys who are doing the same thing, because what happens is, you've got your friends from high school, your friends from college and your friends from work and that they just, they stick with you. And there's nothing wrong with that. But a lot of times they may not be interested in personal excellence or growing or evolving. And so I was like, where do these guys hang out? Like where can I find these guys? And I. Really find a spot. So I just created it. So there's a guy out there who's I'm trying to do all these things. I'm trying to grow as human. I'm trying to be a better husband, father, business, builder, whatever. And I happen to like to do cool stuff. I think this is I'm biased obviously, but I think this is the best place for personal and professional growth. While crossing something off your bucket list and meeting amazing guys. So that's who it is. I'd say most guys probably start around 30 is the lowest and they go up into their upper forties. Most, I'd say 95% are entrepreneurs. We do have some w two S in there and I think that's great. Don't have to be a father. Don't have to be married but that's who the guys are that are showing.


Nice. And then, so walk us through an example of a guys trip for somebody that's listening right now that wants to be added to that list.


Let me let me give you the next one. No. I'll give you the, I'll give you two from now. So I'll give you one in 2023. It's got, we got Nashville and we connected with a really good country music singer there. And so each guy that goes is going to get partnered up with a country music songwriter. And we're gonna have each guy share their story with the songwriter. The songwriter will take their story and put it into a country music song. We will take that song and hand it off to a country music singer. Who's gonna sing a working version of each guy's life story in a country music song. That is badass. That'll be, yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. So that's the, that's one of the things I've been doing, what I call pros versus Joe's. And so I will have a professional athlete there in a sport, which I'm not telling. And each guy will get a chance to like, experience what it's like in his professional sport. We just did an NFL one at Lambo and it was amazing. And so that's the other thing. We'll do a pros versus Joe's. And then we do a little bit of mastermind, pretty informally. I lead the group through intentionally curated conversations to further their lives in different categories. And. We just have a lot of fun, but that's Nashville. And so that's the only one I'll give you, but we've got a few other ones that are coming up that are pretty.


If somebody's looking at joining the waiting list for one of these, where do they go?


I would just, you could find me on social media. It's Kyle underscore Deus. Otherwise there's some cool videos under website guys, that one's pretty easy to remember dot I have no idea where that one goes. But guys,, go check out some of our past ones. You'll see some really cool videos. If they're connected in your world. They'll see a couple guys from GoBundance who have been on a few of these but otherwise social media's great too Instagram. I love


it, man. So that's why you would recommend people going to find you it's just Instagram.


That's great. Yeah. I respond to all the messages that are normal on there. I don't respond to the weird ones. You respond to mine. We're connected. That's different. Yeah.


that's about to say mine are pretty weird. All right, man. Last question. I'll let your role yeah. What is one thing about your life or business that you are very proud about that most people don't know about you?


That's a really good question. think I want to answer it personally And, I'm a father. And I think that there's a lot of statistics on fatherhood that I can't repeat off the top of my hand, but we all could probably agree that intentional active and engaged fathers could really change the world. Yes. And my. My wife and I have really struggled. We've been on an infertility journey ever since Cal was born. We tried to have more kids had a couple miscarriages before Cal and we haven't been able to get pregnant after Cal. And I think just I think just the whole topic of infertility and being sensitive to things like that is something that is really near and dear to my heart. But we've only had one child. I think God's just gonna give us one child. And I would encourage people. You've got one shot at fatherhood, or if you're listening you're a mom, you've got one shot at being a mom, and it's all about being active and intentional and engaged with our kids. And, that's something. I think I'm really passionate on my wife and I just partnered with an organization called fathers for the father list and anyone who, you know I just think that we need more guys to step up and be dads. And so good guys like you, Brian, I know when you guys decide to have kids, you're gonna be an amazing dad. And I think that's it I think I'm really passionate about that topic and that's something that I don't take lightly. And I view myself as a husband, father than an entrepreneur.


Man. I appreciate that deeply because that is that's something that I'm striving for and it's funny cuz people say, you're never ready for kids, but I think that the biggest and best way to be ready for kids is to just be around community because now that I'm in GoBundance. We're not planning on having kids like right now, next year or two, three years, who knows? And so I'm not worried about it anymore. I used to think oh man, if I had one, I'd have no idea what I'm doing, but now I'm like, you've got resources, man. You've got, I've got resources about resources. Exactly. So I appreciate that, man. But we'll leave it with. Leo with that. We just birthed. We birthed the beautiful episode today. I love that, man.


Thanks buddy. I love it.


All right, brother. I appreciate you as always. And this has been Kyle Dees and Brian Lubin with the action academy podcast signing off.